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Stanislaus Agricultural
Continuing Education
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Hybrid Session 8 - Bee Notifications, Registrations/ Best Management Practices w/ Bees in the Field
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Hybrid Session 8 - Bee Notifications, Registrations/ Best Management Practices w/ Bees in the Field
First Name
Last Name
Licensing Number - Ex: PAC501234
Example Format:
Licensing Type
County Code
Licensing Number
Agree to Terms:
I understand that any deliberate act of misrepresentation, concealment, or deception may be considered a fraudulent activity, and may result in disqualification from participation in the program.
1. In the event of a bee kill investigation...
Bee check logs will be evaluated
Use reports will be checked
Phone calls will be made to growers within a 1-mile radius of the bee kill
All of the above
2. How much water is needed for every 10 hives?
25 gallons
1 gallon
5 gallons
55 gallons
3. When should you report a possible beehive death?
Next week
Next month
4. How far in advance do beekeepers need to be notified prior to an application that is toxic to bees on blossoming plants?
The day of the application
No notification is required
24 hours in advance
48 hours in advance
5. Which one of these is NOT a Honeybee BMP?
Read labels carefully and follow directions
Cover or remove water sources
Spray bees directly
Avoid applying insecticides
6. Are all pesticides toxic to bees?
Yes, all pesticides target bees
No, some pesticides target bees
There are no pesticides toxic to bees.
7. How many days do beekeepers have to register colonies moved into the state?
15 days
20 days
30 days
45 days
8. Where should you place bee hives in the orchard?
In the early morning sunlight
In groups or around orchard no farther than 1/4 mile apart
Away from high traffic roads
All of the above
9. Notifications to beekeepers must include all of the following except:
Name of the applicator
Identity and dosage rate of the application
Time and place of the application
Crop and acreage to be treated
10. How much more pollen does a 8-frame hive collect versus a 4-fram hive?
They collect the same
2.5 times more
5 times more
10 times more
Agree to Terms