Exam End: 10:00
Hybrid Session 8 - Bee Notifications, Registrations/ Best Management Practices w/ Bees in the Field

Example Format: PAC501234 Ex: QAC1234 Ex: JPC1234
Licensing Type County Code Licensing Number

1. In the event of a bee kill investigation...

2. How much water is needed for every 10 hives?

3. When should you report a possible beehive death?

4. How far in advance do beekeepers need to be notified prior to an application that is toxic to bees on blossoming plants?

5. Which one of these is NOT a Honeybee BMP?

6. Are all pesticides toxic to bees?

7. How many days do beekeepers have to register colonies moved into the state?

8. Where should you place bee hives in the orchard?

9. Notifications to beekeepers must include all of the following except:

10. How much more pollen does a 8-frame hive collect versus a 4-fram hive?